I'd like to take a moment to debunk a few myths and confirm a few others perhaps. These all revolve around the differences between my two kids. I'll jump to the moral first: there is no method to the madness, and you just have to go with what hand you're dealt. That said, here we go.
Myth #1: Baby #2 is always early
My OB said our daughter broke every rule. She wasn't early, she was 6 days late. That's even later than my son, who was only 2 days late.
Myth #2: Baby #2 is always bigger, but girls are smaller
This one I can sort of confirm. Our daughter was 8 pounds 4 ounces, and while our first was 8 pounds 9 ounces. That difference in weight is almost unnoticeable honestly. Neither kid wore newborn sized clothing for more than two weeks. So many cute things went to waste...
Myth #3: Girls are easier
This one I want to confirm as well. I remember that our son was sleeping 7 hours at 7 weeks old, so I sort of made that my benchmark. When you're getting up twice a night to feed during those first couple weeks you want some sort of hope, something to set your sights on to help you get through the tough days. On day 3 this girl slept a 6 hour stretch. Yes, it was sort of a fluke, but I swear that night gave us the good start to get us through it all. Now at just 2 months, she sleeps 9 to 10 hours and I'm not getting up to feed at night anymore. That early morning feeding happens in bed, while I'm half asleep. It's awesome. Plus, I hold her a lot, but far less than I did with our son. She's super happy to lay in her gym or sit in her bouncy chair. She LOVES having her diaper changed!
Myth #4: The second child is the opposite of the first
I heard this one the other day because a couple had their second. Instead they had the girl first and the boy is just 4 months old. Their daughter was sleeping through the night at 4 months, but now their son can't even fall asleep on his own. Everyone at this gathering agreed with this concept and I kept my mouth shut. As I described my experience with Myth #3 my second is more similar to our first. They look so much alike, but their sleeping habits are both amazing. They both grow like little bean poles and I love them both more than anything else in the world!
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