My maternity leave is so close I can taste it. Including today I only have five more days of work, woo hoo! This has me thinking about what I'm going to do, and what I'm going to be able to do, with my few days off before the new baby arrives. I'm setting a few goals for myself, and I'll see how it goes.
1) Leaving the house every day
I know this one sounds easy, maybe a bit lazy, but I can very easily stay home with my son and play all day and never leave the house. Since my time with him as an only child is extremely limited, and I work full time, I'd like to make up for that by taking him out and doing something fun as much as possible. Even if this only means taking a walk with his push trike down to the park. There are a number of fun things in our area I'd like to visit:
Happy Hollow, San Jose
Head to the beach in Santa Cruz or Half Moon Bay
Billy Jones Wildcat Railroad (we went there for his 2nd birthday)
Public libraries for child book readings
2) Hang dry my diapers with every wash
I can only hang dry these days if a wash day falls on a weekend and the weather is nice. If I'm home any day of the week, I don't have to limit myself to doing laundry at night, and it would be so great to spend time outside in the sun. The last time I sunned was last weekend, and my son handed me clothespins and diapers to hang, he was a big helper!
3) Finish a few sewing projects
I've stalled out on a couple things, mainly because in the evening things are getting too uncomfortable, and we've got a cold sweeping the family. I can't get our son in bed any earlier than 8:30 these days which doesn't really leave me much time. Enough excuses though! The wipes and the wet bag are really not that complicated so I need to just buckle down and finish.
4) Maintain and improve the blog
This one I might even get to in the next few days, since my workload is diminishing every day... I'd like to add labels (keywords) so people can search my entries easier. I'd also really like to keep up the trend and post once a day. Finding topics to blog about means I also have to keep myself busy with the things I blog about.
Next is just balancing everything I want to do with the time and energy that I actually have. Sounds fun and exciting to me!!
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