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Tuesday, February 1, 2011


My morning routine is usually a simple one since my childcare consists of grandparent care while I'm at work.  My son typically wakes up just before I need to head out the door so I ship him off in the PJs he went to bed in.  If there is time and he's in a cooperative mood I can change him but that is about one day a week if I'm lucky.  This morning he woke up a little late, as usual, but we had a diaper leak.  This has probably happened as many times as I can count on one hand, so I needed to analyze the situation.

We did use a different diaper combo than we usually do at night.  I typically use a standard prefold with a cover (like the one pictured here).  Last night I went with an AIO diaper for the fun of it as well as the fact that we had a cranky toddler on our hands who was being difficult.  This could have been part one of the problem.

In the past few months I've added a Thirsties doubler on top of the prefold for added absorption.  For the occasions I haven't had a doubler available (I only bought 3 so if it's diaper laundry night there might be a chance I've run out) then I'll back up the prefold with a hemp doubler.  The doubler is practically another diaper, so in an effort to slim down the package, I purchased some hemp inserts from Etsy.  I put one of these inserts in the AIO, which was probably part two.  The hemp insert is about the same size as the doubler so how much could I really expect it to absorb?  Also, you should wash hemp diapers and inserts 4-5 times before they reach their maximum absorbency.  I believe these have only been washed once or twice since they're brand new.

Finally I have to assume we had the perfect storm in terms of diaper conditions.  The original diaper wasn't really designed as a night time diaper alone.  The insert wasn't sufficient either, but probably wasn't prepped completely.  And we had a big night in the bladder emptying department.  That diaper weighed a ton when I took it off of him.

Back to the usual routine tomorrow until I find another combo that works just as well.

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